Volunteer with Horizons

Volunteers are essential to the work that we do at Horizons at SFFS. Each summer, a dedicated cohort of high schoolers, many of whom are San Francisco Friends School alumni and Horizons alumni, enter our classrooms to provide Horizons' teachers with invaluable support. We are also thankful to host teachers and community members who volunteer their time to teach enrichment activities, lead read-alouds, and more!

BEcome a mentor

We are launching an all-new mentorship program! Horizons group mentoring program provides high school students with a supportive and inspiring environment to learn, grow, and achieve their goals. This program connects small groups of students with experienced mentors who guide them through academic, career, and personal development challenges. 
If you are interested in connecting with San Francisco students and making an impact in their journey, please fill out this form!


Summer High School Volunteers

Horizons at SFFS is now accepting volunteer applications for Summer 2025. High school volunteers are recruited yearly for our summer program and have the opportunity to serve as classroom assistants, work 1-on-1 with students, and learn from experienced educators. Apply to be a volunteer here.

For more information, please contact Emely Jimenez.

Year-Round volunteer opportunities

For all ages 16+:

Horizons seeks volunteers (ages 16+) to help us make a difference in the academic trajectory of public school students in San Francisco. We strive to provide joyful academic and enrichment experiences year-round that build on the strength and talents of our students. While our main program is our six-week summer learning program, once Fall arrives we support our students in a variety of ways including virtual and small-group tutoring.

As a tutoring volunteer you will sign up to meet with a student in 1 hour sessions per week to help them review homework, practice key concepts and skills, and prepare for upcoming tests and assessments. Tutors and Students meet virtually on Zoom at a predetermined time; each tutor will be assigned 1 to 2 students, depending on their availability. Please contact Emely Jimenez.

For Career Professionals:

Horizons at SFFS also welcomes adult volunteers with expertise in Salesforce, graphic design, grant writing, or event planning. We welcome Professional Development opportunities and workshops for our teachers and year-round staff. Please reach out to Amy Anderson if you are interested in using your talents or professional experience to support our organization!

The bonds I formed with the students here in Horizons have been some of the most magical times in my life. Watching the children learn and improve all while having fun with peers and role models has really inspired me.
— Summer 2018 Volunteer

Hear directly from our previous volunteers!