Our Students
Horizons students are selected in collaboration with our three partner public schools, based on criteria established by Horizons National. These schools, Buena Vista Elementary, Marshall Elementary, and The Mission Preparatory School, are all located in San Francisco's Mission District.
We currently serve 150 K-8 students. Each year we add another class of 17 Kindergarteners who return year after year. By 2024, Horizons at SFFS will serve 185 students from Kindergarten through 10th grade.
Why the Mission District ?
All of our students attend our partner schools in the Mission District, a historically immigrant, Latinx neighborhood in San Francisco that continues to be gentrified, causing a multitude of stressors for the working class families who call it home. While there are several summer youth programs in the Mission District, many local principals and teachers identify access to affordable, high-quality summer activities as a top area of need for the families that they serve.
Bright Young Learners
Horizons serves students with a broad range of academic skills, providing them with the opportunity to experience success in a setting that, over time, becomes an inspirational and stable learning environment for students, families, and the greater community. We build on the skills our students have to support them to thrive.
Nearly half of students are identified emerging bilingual students, and 97% come from Spanish-speaking households. At entry, two-thirds of Horizons at SFFS students are below grade level academically, and one third at or above grade level. 100% of Horizons at SFFS students qualify for free or reduced lunch at the time of their enrollment.